Deepen your defenses with a lifecycle approach. The Heartbleed virus and the target data breach are recent reminders of a tough reality: Advanced threats are evolving just as fast as security technology. To stay a step ahead, you need a comprehensive, next-generation approach to security that integrates security policies and technologies across the enterprise, uses intelligence to detect and address the most critical threats, and provides the insight needed to quickly resolve attacks. So, you can keep the upper hand against attacks and transform fear into business empowerment.
Policies enforcement
A professional team is here to help
End-to-end Visibility
A professional team is here to help
Effective Audit
A professional team is here to help
Access Privileges
A professional team is here to help
Identity and Access
Secure your business!
Confidently and securely grant access rights and entitlements within your organization; provision, audit and report on user access and activity. Improve visibility into the way access is being used, prioritize compliance actions with risk-based insights, and make better decisions with actionable intelligence.
Our extensive IAM portfolio includes authentication, privileged access management, identity governance and access management solutions. Grant access rights, provide single sign-on from any device, enhance security with multi-factor authentication, enable user lifecycle management, protect privileged accounts, and more.
- OneSpan IDENTIKEY Server/Client.
- Microsoft Azure MFA.
- OneSpan IDENTIKEY Risk Manager.
- Microsoft AD Services.
- FortiNet FortiAuthenticator & FortiToken.
- Microsoft AD Federation Services.
Technology Providers

Protected Transactions
A professional team is here to help
Secured Applications
A professional team is here to help
Enhanced Privacy
A professional team is here to help
Trusted Relationships
A professional team is here to help
Digital Signing
Establish trust for electronically transmitted documents in real time!
From document signing to S/MIMEs, range of digital signing solutions to meet your security needs.
Our digital signing solutions will give you:
• The flexibility to work whether online or on USB token or through a hardware security module.
• Verification of author and document authenticity.
• Non-repudiation for the lifetime of the document.
• Certificate-based signatures in your document creation applications.
• On-demand, Face-to-face verification.
• Time stamping and multiple signature workflow.
• Visual trust indicators and expiration notifications.
• Automatic or manual signing and legal compliance.
- One-Span e-sign live.
- Entrust Digital Signing certificates.
- Thales, Safenet e-token.
Technology Providers

Advanced Management
A professional team is here to help
Increased ROI
A professional team is here to help
Better Compliance
A professional team is here to help
Enhanced Risk Management
A professional team is here to help
Secure VPN and Remote Workforce
Accelerate remote workforce and cloud on-ramp with high-performance crypto VPNs!
With a fully integrated and complete end-to-end solution connecting networks and users together, while also detecting and eliminating a wide spectrum of threats and malicious activities.
Our VPN solutions will empower you to:
• Protect users from man-in-the-middle attacks and ultimately data from breaches that can occur while high-speed data is in motion.
• Provide secure communications across the Internet between multiple networks and endpoints, through both IPsec and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technologies.
• Protect application to application, user to users, user to machine, machine to machine communication.
Beyond offering encryption of data in transit via a VPN, our VPN solutions provide more other options that help to:
• Enable dual factor authentication of remote employees.
• Provide DLP functionality for remote workers, which is essential for teleworking executives with frequent access to sensitive company data.
• Analyze malware and other suspicious content within a sandboxed environment before it reaches its destination.
- PulseSecure VPN.
- Fortigate NGFW VPN.
- PaloALto NGFW VPN.
Technology Providers

Identity and Access
Protect from abuse and misuse!
Grant access rights, provide single sign-on from any device, enhance security with multi-factor authentication, and enable user lifecycle management.
Provide seamless and secure user authentication to your native, web, mobile, and cloud applications. Protect and manage access to privileged accounts. Discover, secure and manage privileged account passwords to protect from abuse and misuse.

Consider the impact that you would have to face if your most confidential data was inadvertently leaked over e-mail, erroneously posted to a public web site, or left unsecured on a laptop or USB drive: If it were customer information, would it violate PCI or HIPAA regulations?. If it were intellectual property that was lost, what would be the long-term financial impact on your business? If it were happening right now, how would you know?

Digital Signing
Today’s business contracts and other documents often include sensitive information and have significant legal implications. For this reason, being able to digitally sign a document, massively increases the protection of all involved parties.
This protection often translates to improved trust, which can mean benefits such as: increased sales, and faster payments. Combining these advantages with the general benefits of working digitally – for example: time saving, reducing overhead, increasing space, and being able to conduct business anywhere and anytime – can give a business a serious edge in this increasingly sophisticated and competitive marketplace.

Web & Applications
Securing data against increasingly sophisticated attacks—and attackers—is an ongoing arms race. At the same time, businesses are embracing cloud, mobile, and social applications that improve competitiveness but also increase risk.

Cyber Security
The increasing sophistication, frequency, and diversity of today’s attacks are overwhelming conventional security devices at the edge of data centers, especially advanced persistent attacks in which an intruder or cybercriminal establishes an illicit, long-term presence on a network in order to mine highly sensitive data. The targets of these attacks, which are very carefully chosen and researched, typically include large enterprises, financial and banking or governmental datacenters. The consequences of such intrusions are vast and extremely harmful.

Network and Datacenter
Protect your datacenter! Network perimeter, applications with next generation firewall, intruder detection and preventions systems, sandboxing, isolation, deception, strong multi factor authentication, traffic monitoring and logging, vulnerability management, encryption for remote connections, email filtering to prevent spam and phishing attacks and much more controls and measures.

Most of cyber-attacks focus on endpoints putting at risk an organization’s laptops, workstations, servers, and mobile devices. This has given rise to the security in-depth approach provided by endpoint protection platforms (EPP). EPPs should provide the depth of protection to stop breaches, and the visibility to detect malicious activities and quickly respond to stop the attack.e centralizing and consolidating management tools to reduce costs.

Security Operation Management
The rapid flood of digital transformation technologies has greatly increased the complexity and vulnerability of networks and network security. While malicious cyberattacks remain a serious problem, a security strategy that prioritizes automation-driven network operations can help.

Secure VPN and Remote Workforce
Security has emerged as one of the primary roadblocks to multi-cloud adoption that requires movement of data, applications, and services from on-premises data centers to the cloud. Accelerating the on-ramp to the cloud requires a new and innovative approach. Security-driven networking allows enterprises to architect networks that deliver seamlessly integrated end-to-end security to connect with multiple clouds and implement a cloud-first strategy.